Tuesday, October 7, 2008

How Europe Underdeveloped Africa

I don't know about anybody else but reading How Europe Underdeveloped Africa really bothered me. It is sad to read how Africans were droved through trickery and enforced into slavery. And why? All because they weren't "civilized" enough for the British, French, and the Arabs. Who determines whether a culture is civilized or not? Just because you can't understand the way a person lives doesn't mean that they aren't civilized.

What is also funny, is that the same people who aren't "civilized" were forced to grow their food and do all of their manual labor. How lazy can you be? Not even that but how heartless can you be? Millions were killed because of your laziness and it doesn't bother you one bit! The only reason that they were able to encapture the Africans were because of their guns and ammunition. How cowardly is that. Speaking of guns and cowards, they had the audacity to use Africans in the front lines of a war as "tephlon" for themselves. What is that? For them to be so strong and brave, where was that bravery and courageousness during the war when there is a gun and a rifle pointed at you.

The whole white supremacy ordeal is plain and simply stupid. Which person told you that you were the divine, ideal human of mankind? The only thing that made them supreme at the time were their guns, and chains. Other than that, had it not been for Africans and their homeland sending them money for food, they would not have even been able to survive.

Also, how could you practically force a person to do all of your manual labor and pay them practically nothing. But your lesser white counterpart get paid practically millions compared to the Africans. And the school system? Pathetic. Of course Africans had to learn about Europe or Brittain because that's all the teacher knew. And also, because learning about Africa and how they were forced to do all of your labor was not important at all.

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