So far I'm not really a fan of "Ancestor Stones." I mean, some of it is interesting but it's kinda a drag to read. I don't know, maybe as time goes on I may begin to like it but as of now..... Nah!!!
Even though I said that it doesn't really catch my attention, it still has some parts that, as I said, I found interesting. For instance, the whole ordeal in the second chapter of how Asana and Alusani go on the trip and see the "moon shadow man" and he offers Alusani a salted covered egg. Was the egg poisoned? Because it just seems funny to me how after eating this egg, he began to act strange. I understand that he had a brain tumor but even with the tumor, I think that the egg had a lot to do with his passing. Another interesting thing that caught my eye was how they are all related; however, when Mariam was taking about the places that she would go with Bobbio, you would have never guessed that they were related.
The book was a little hard for me to follow. Call me slow or whatever but it took me the longest time to understand that the following chapters after Abbie's were letters that were written to her from her family. If I'm wrong, please correct me because that it was I'm getting from it.